Hey everyone!
I hope y'all are having a great week! Elder Palmer and I have had almost no opportunity to slow down whatsoever. We have been running nonstop, all while trying to squeeze in proselyting time every now and again! Even so, we have had some interesting things happen.
We've done a lot of exchanges and errands. On Saturday we ended up going 120 miles running people back and forth between activities, music rehearsals, and baptisms. We are just the lucky ones with a car who can do that I guess...
We had a really good week. We set a couple more people for baptism in October, and so the work is definitely progressing. What is even more awesome is how well our zone is doing. It is really exciting to see our zone having 10 to 20 potential baptisms in October. They are working really hard. God is totally helping us out. As a mission, we have a goal of reaching 720 baptisms buy the end of the year. For the most part, we have been behind on reaching that goal, but this month and next month should help us catch up by December.
We had a really awesome experience yesterday. We contacted a guy in his garage who is catholic and started off the conversation by being completely uninterested. As we talked, I was able to ask this guy an inspired question (thank you Heavenly Father) that allowed elder Palmer to start teaching the Restoration. The conversation continued, and the spirit was super strong. We got to the point where I started to share Joseph Smith's first vision, and he didn't want us to stop.
He had a ton of questions. At the end of our lesson with him, he said he wanted more religion in his life and wanted us to come back. I attribute that one to God for giving me that awesome question and to Brother Wofford for beating the importance of inspired questions into me :)
How is everyone doing? I miss hearing and talking with each one of you, whether that's at home or in a previous area. And just so you all know, we are allowed to check email throughout the week since we have iPads. We just can't respond till Monday! I hope y'all have an awesome week! And keep being awesome!
Elder Jones