I hope y'all are having a great week! Christmas is coming up and I'm sure everybody is gearing up well! I definitely can't wait to call home; that's the highlight of my Christmas ;)
My week was incredible! Elder Carreno and I have worked really hard to help our investigators, and it really seems as though things are picking up! We taught each of our investigators multiple times this week and even saw several of them at church! It is really rewarding to see the people you are working with make commitments, follow them, and then become really happy and joyful because they kept the commitments. Andy is stil chugging along; we had asked the Bishop if he could have a calling even though he isn't a member so he is providing surveillance for the church building every night. The bishop told us that Andy has reported back every day since he was asked!
We have another young man we are teaching named William who we struggled with in getting him to church. We took a returned missionary with us to one of the lessons and the guy asked William what he was doing on Sunday. William said that he didn't have anything going, and so the RM said, "Well that's awesome, because you're coming with me to church!" That moment really was a testimony to me of the importance of having members present for the missionary lessons! The investigators need to have a non-missionary perspective when learning about the church! He ended up coming to church on Sunday and loved it!
I have had such a great week! I'm enjoying the time with my new companion, and as I'm getting into the homestretch of my mission, I am beginning to realize how much I don't want this to end. Missions are full of love and sadness, joy and heartache, excitement and exhaustion. It might sound crazy, but I love it! The things that we missionaries learn while here on our missions will definitely serve us for a lifetime, and I want to devote all my time and attention to learning what it will take to be a better son, brother, and future husband and father.
Have a great week everyone! Let me know what kinds of missionary experiences you're having!
Elder Jones